Go M.A.D.

Go M.A.D. Update

Doug and Brad Hutchcraft

We trust you all had a great Easter celebrating King Jesus! Go M.A.D. with Doug and Brad will be back on Tuesday, April 18. The guys are currently out making a difference by recording the new Warrior Worship project and helping oversee the final stages of construction on the On Eagles' Wings Leadership Center. Until next week, we encourage you to take a look at some of the past episodes you may have missed, email us with your thoughts, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, and share about the podcast with your friends. We'll see you next week!

Email us: gomadshow@hutchcraft.com

Warrior Worship: oneagleswings.com/warrior-worship

On Eagles' Wings Leadership Center: https://hutchcraft.com/on-eagles-wings/leadership-center

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Twitter - @GoMADPodcast
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Email - gomadshow@hutchcraft.com

Or find out more about us on our website: gomadpodcast.com

Enjoy the show? We'd love it if you took a moment to leave a review on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/go-m-a-d/id1593068456

Thank you for listening and Go M.A.D. today!