Go M.A.D.
Go M.A.D. means "Go make a difference". Together we discover how we can make the greatest possible impact through Jesus for the people in your world. Whether in conversations, on social media, at home or at work, you can be that M.A.D. person starting today! We'd love to connect with you on social media as well!Connect with us on social media and / or email:Twitter - @GoMADPodcastFacebook - facebook.com/gomadshowInstagram - @gomadshowYouTube - @gomadshowEmail - gomadshow@hutchcraft.comOr find out more about us on our website: gomadpodcast.com
Go M.A.D.
5 Ways to Not Lose Your Friends This Election Season
It's Season 4 of Go M.A.D. (Make A Difference)! Doug and Brad kick off with a timely Thanksgiving topic: politics. Instead of endorsing candidates, the bros explore how to be Christ's ambassadors during this volatile period. They emphasize that it's not just what we do, but how we do it that matters. Plus, find out if the rumors about Doug being escorted from a voting booth are true! Join us as we navigate faith and civic duty. Let's Go M.A.D.!
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Thank you for listening and Go M.A.D. today!
Well, welcome everyone, not just to a new episode of Go Mad, but to a new season, season four. Hey, doug, how you doing, how you doing.
Speaker 2:How you doing, how you doing, I'm doing great. That shirt you have on man, that's like total 50s. People are going to think is he a?
Speaker 1:mechanic. I am not. You do not want me fixing anything or bowling.
Speaker 2:Don't let him anywhere near your car if he tries, nope.
Speaker 1:And Jesse, how you doing over there? Hey, ready for season four, let's go. It's going to be a good one. We have got a brand new set. So if you're just listening to us, big mistake, big mistake.
Speaker 2:Biggest mistake of your life if you don't check us out. No hyperbole here.
Speaker 1:Biggest mistake ever.
Speaker 2:That's right, don't?
Speaker 1:want to overstate it and we've got, because we're doing videos on YouTube now, so not just where you hear us on YouTube, but you can see us there. What a blessing when we have all the new stuff. We have the same heart behind the Go Mad podcast, which is all about going, mad going and making a difference for Jesus where you live Now mad going and making a difference for jesus where you live now. I do have to tell you, these shelves here are filled with memorabilia and everything else and the only downside to having a video and having a set like this people are not going to pay attention to anything we have to say until they have explored everything on these shelves and make oh, they like, oh what the other thing is, they can fall on you, they know I will say they uh someone who helped design this.
Speaker 1:Uh did warn me watch the boom box up top.
Speaker 2:I said, just in case, uh if you're wondering if we got a sponsor, the answer is yeah.
Speaker 1:My new paper route very good, I'm glad you're doing that, very exciting. Now, what we would love for you to do we. The cool thing is, over the summer, while we haven't had episodes and everything, people keep finding the podcast, people keep downloading episodes and listening to them what we would love is if you could just share, share this episode, review the podcast.
Speaker 1:Uh, especially on apple podcast. Leave a review. They're not just a rating, but a review. Uh, you, the. As of this season, we used to have some blogs on the site. We're going to be having blogs again summarizing the episodes and everything. So, gomadpodcastcom, you want to check that out and definitely find us on the socials. You want to find us on the socials as the, as the kids say. Uh, you want to make sure you find us on facebook, on instagram. All that because there's going to be a lot of great content there as well. You hear that.
Speaker 2:It's that time again Party against party, candidate versus candidate, swinging for the fences in the swing states and more cable TV news coverage than could possibly be healthy. It's Election 2024. Yay.
Speaker 1:Wait, Jesse, didn't Doug tell us we were going to start with a simple topic like kittens?
Speaker 2:or something like that. Yeah, we were, wasn't that? We start with everyone. It's agreeable, there's never, it's sweet and fluffy. And we said how about politics?
Speaker 1:Now, here's the reality. You know, if you've listened to this podcast, you're not going to walk away from here with who to vote for or the top things to do at the ballot box. There's plenty of that out there already. This is about making a difference in the election season. Doug, what are they going to walk away from here today with?
Speaker 2:Well we're hoping you'll walk away with is how you can not lose your friends during the election season. There's so many ways, man, election season people get real passionate, which is cool. That's fine. You and I care deeply, we do, we vote but this is more about how to be an ambassador. If you've listened to the podcast, you know this is all about how to be an ambassador, a representative of Jesus, like he says we are. He says he's making his appeal as far as how much he loves us, the gospel, that he died for us, that he rose again. He's making his appeal through us. So how can we still be passionate? How can we care deeply about politics but not lose your friends and your influence?
Speaker 1:Well and that's the reality is we want to share with you guys simple steps. We're going to share about five steps with you today of how to not lose your friends. Some of you may be saying, well, I wish this podcast had been done a month ago, because I've posted many, many things. It's not too late. It's not too late, even in the final countdown leading up to the election, to be able to be salt and light for Jesus. You know, I remember growing up that when I we had parents who knew voting was important. Because let's be real about this how you vote matters.
Speaker 1:While we're not going to talk about specifics today, how we vote matters. Voting matters, not just on a national election, but state level, local level. It matters what we do with this responsibility and I love that we had a mom and dad that instilled in us hey, this is a big responsibility, take it seriously, evaluate candidates, but most of all, look at what people are saying through the Word of God. That's right that you're supposed to have the Bible in one hand, as you have. Well, dad used to say the Bible in one hand, newspaper in the other. That may not be as relevant as much phone in the other, so Bible in one hand phone in the other.
Speaker 1:But you've got to view these things through the perspective of the Word of God these things through the perspective of the word of God.
Speaker 2:You know I got to tell you something. I've been looking around recently and you're not going to believe this, but there are apparently some real angry and opinionated people when it comes to politics. Stop looking at me. It's the shock of shocks. People are very emotional about this election, really about all of them speaking out. By the way, I'd like to say whoever put the election cycle right before Thanksgiving great job.
Speaker 2:Great job. Okay, family, let's give thanks. Okay, fine, I'll go first. I'm thankful I'm not a Democrat. No, I'll go first. I'm thankful I'm not a Republican.
Speaker 1:The battling prayers are awesome.
Speaker 2:But there's a great way we're all about practical advice on here. So if it starts to turn that way political discussion, I've got the way to get it off there. As quick as you can, I'm ready, no matter what is said, say pass the stuffing please. Wow, no matter what, however angry it gets, they look at you, they're accusing you. Pass the stuffing, please, Just try it. Evidently, however angry it gets, they look at you, they're accusing you. Pass the stuffing please.
Speaker 1:Just try it. Evidently Doug doesn't know how controversial stuffing is, because he's just saying it like it's just a normal thing.
Speaker 3:Well, at least he didn't say cranberry sauce, because then that really opens a can of cranberry sauce.
Speaker 1:I also like that if Doug and I get too political here, we literally just have stuff all around us we can throw at each other we can just we have the props now to throw. But, doug, before we go any further, I do have to ask you, mostly because I think the warrant has expired. Oh yeah, but you have to share with our listeners your election day story. Because this is because, as I said, voting is a serious responsibility as I treated it that way kind of um.
Speaker 2:So yeah, people can be on edge a little bit. So a few years ago the poll workers this way, this well, apparently, a few years ago I thought it would be, for some reason, um fun to yell at my friend across the room. We're in the voting place and I just said something like hey, who are you voting for? Can you believe these are our choices? Or something like that. That's when I found out that even small towns can have security guards at voting places.
Speaker 2:And small people can tackle you still Doesn't matter how big, small they are. I was escorted out nicely, we live we learn, oh my goodness.
Speaker 1:Well, I have to tell you, one of the reasons we're tackling this today is when you talk about it.
Speaker 1:It's amazing. You would think that one of the things that wouldn't be controversial is how Jesus talks to us through his word about how we're supposed to be with others us through his word about how we're supposed to be with others. But I have had more than one pastor share with me the reality that all of a sudden, he will. They'll be just speaking in church and they will be talking about being salt and light and now these aren't exact quotes, but the vibe you get from them is and then you will have people coming up from the congregation right afterwards with almost a yeah, but it's like, yeah, we're supposed to be salt and light, but not in this. These people have it coming and it's just like, first of all, who these people are I don't know, but the reality is that even when we start to make what the Bible says to be controversial about treating people with it, here's the verse that I would go with oh, you're going to bring scripture into this, Brad 1 Peter 3 talks about treating people with gentleness and respect.
Speaker 2:When you're in the mood, that is so huge when you're in the mood.
Speaker 1:Yeah, when it fits.
Speaker 2:When people aren't offending you.
Speaker 1:There's no caveat there, there's no out in that. It is treat people with gentleness and respect, and so that's what we're going to be talking about today is these simple steps of how to do that in your own life, so you don't lose friends during this election season.
Speaker 2:You know, I saw a poll recently that said the number one reason people reject Jesus these days get this is because they're convinced following him means becoming part of a particular political party. Are they getting that idea from us? If so, we're kind of mixing things in with the gospel that aren't there. Look after you. Come to know Jesus. Yeah, a number of the things you believe politically will probably change. But political party isn't part of the gospel. We are Christ's ambassadors. He's making his appeal through us that someone needs to turn to him. There's nothing more important. I'm going to bring scripture into it too, brad.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of it when you start looking at election stuff and how we're supposed to be, there's a lot yeah, there is. I need it. I'm going to supposed to be. There's a lot, yeah, there is.
Speaker 2:I need it. I'm going to tell you, right, there's plenty of times I'm watching a debate or reading social media or something like that, and I get angry about something, and the first thing you want to do is kind of let everyone know your opinion and lash out. Romans 12, 18, one of those disrupt your day verses. Right, if it's possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Speaker 2:There's a great scripture in 1 Corinthians 9. Paul says who very much was about his rights being a Roman citizen, being a Jew. He said that in God's word, that those things were important to him. But he says I become a servant to everyone to win as many to Christ as possible. And finally, maybe this is the real barn burner 1 Corinthians 9, a little later, we put up with anything. We put up with anything rather than hindering the gospel of Christ. So, be honest, here's a question you might want to ask yourself Are you more passionate right now about your candidate winning or about your neighbor hearing the gospel? Be honest, ask yourself, what are you more fired up about right now?
Speaker 1:You know, I think quick interjection here because I am loving this. I love that we're going to have this video and I'm saying this on the video, which is awkward, but people are going to learn how much Hutchcrafts talk with their hands. We are like I'm sitting here and you're doing it, and I'm doing it, so, anyway, we can't help ourselves hands. Uh, we are like I'm sitting here, you're doing, I'm doing, I'm just like.
Speaker 2:So anyway, well, we can't help ourselves.
Speaker 1:So the passion comes through the uh there we go.
Speaker 2:I'm not as much. Before we started we were debating whether the jacket I'm wearing is one of those. Makes a lot of noise, so you guys have to tell me you can't hear this right all right it's right, it's not that bad.
Speaker 3:Fortunately I don't hear anything. All All right, good.
Speaker 2:Producer and engineer Jesse Might want to test those things before we start.
Speaker 1:So one of the things that really sticks out to me, going back to the Bible again, is Colossians 4 says Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, seasoned with salt. That matters as much when we're in person, to person, face to face, as it does with social media and what we text people and everything else. What we say matters, how we say it matters, and I'm going to be honest where we say it matters, there are so many people who believe that if they just throw their viewpoint out there that it's going to change not just minds but change hearts. And when you're not willing to just have a dialogue with someone, when you're not willing to say you know it's important enough. If it's important enough to put out there, then it's important enough to say it the right way and with the right heart, and that's so important that conversation is always. That word got me, I bolded it Always full of grace.
Speaker 2:You know and don't hear Brad and I wrong here. We should speak out against the evils of our day. That's important and I respect people who go. This is something that really breaks God's heart and I've got to talk about it. I've got to share where the Lord is coming from on this. But you don't want to do it in such a way where you turn the mission field into your enemy. Our neighbors, if you are a believer. Our neighbors, our family that don't know Jesus. That is our mission field. Yeah, call out the policies, maybe the issues, but when you start looking at others that vote different than you as the enemy or as in them, us versus them now you're in danger of looking to others the way of not looking at others the way that Jesus does, who came to seek and save the lost man. Don't let your passion for your convictions alienate you from the ones that need Jesus the most. Don't let how you communicate your convictions burn the bridge to the people in your life that need him.
Speaker 1:What we need to keep in focus is yes, again, we know that, depending who's in charge and everything else, it matters on policies, it matters on what's happening, it matters to life, it matters in a lot of areas, but the reality is that don't let fear take over. Let fear take over because, no matter what happens, as the Word of God says, the Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord is on his heavenly throne. No matter what happens the Wednesday after the election or inauguration day, or whatever it is, the Lord is still going to have his way in the whirlwind and the storm.
Speaker 2:Man, that's good stuff. It's important to remember that politicians don't change hearts. If you really want the country to change and we'll get into this a little bit towards the end too but if you really want the country to change, it's hearts changing that really makes a difference. You can change behavior for a little bit, but changed hearts. That's what our Savior is in the business of doing. Now, brad, I have a question for you. I was not prepared for this. Are you ready to maybe share with some of our friends here some practical takeaways? Yes, top ways to not lose friends. I'm an expert on losing them. Top ways to not lose friends.
Speaker 1:I'm an expert on losing them.
Speaker 2:Top ways to not lose your friends and to not lose your influence as an ambassador, as Jesus' representative. This political season, can we pick it off?
Speaker 1:Yeah, let's do that, because the reality is you just mentioned ambassador the reality is when, all of a sudden, when you have an ambassador that's representing a country and they do something that does not reflect well on the country, all of a sudden it's kind of like whoop, let's blow the whistle on that one and we're trying to help give people practical tips so that they are effective ambassadors and they don't have to worry about, all of a sudden, the Lord tapping them on the shoulder and saying, um, that is not so, doug you want to kick it off the the what's the first step?
Speaker 2:Get out your yellow notebooks that's an old guy right there or your phones and your trapper keepers.
Speaker 1:If it helps write a couple.
Speaker 2:That's what's not on the shelves.
Speaker 3:I know we need one of those too.
Speaker 2:Alright. So here we go. Number one don't insist. Your candidate is right about everything. 1 Peter, 5, 5, romans 12, 10, putting together, you get this. Clothe yourselves with humility towards one another. Honor one another above yourselves. Man, nobody is right all the time, and you're just going to come across as a know-it-all blowhard if all you're doing is insisting. My guy, my gal, is right about everything all the time that's really good.
Speaker 1:I diving into number two we've got, so don't insist. Your candidate is right about everything. Number two don't make people feel stupid for who they're voting for. Wait, what it is people.
Speaker 1:There are a lot of people that I hear it all the time where it's like, hey, you know what I'm voting for, so-and-so, and this person they just they don't get it. You know they'll say they're idiots, they'll say they're stupid. I mean, it's just like why are we using harsh words to attack someone when the reality is they may have put as much thought and heart into their choice as you did. You may not agree with it and you may be like man that doesn't even line up with the word of God in some things. I get that, but the reality is you should not belittle them. You should treat them with dignity and respect the verse in Ephesians let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths. This is a hard one, but only what is useful for building others up. Scroll through your Facebook, scroll through your feed and just see what percentage out there is doing that. If you are someone that is focused on building others up, you will be a light in some very dark places.
Speaker 2:Man, this is hitting me. Yeah, see how Jesus communicated with people who really did not like him very much. I always saw the value in people. Yeah, so that's a good one. How about number three? Don't make assumptions about people who don't believe the way you do. Now let me tell you what I mean by that. If you really want to get frustrated we all like that when you expect someone who isn't following Jesus to care about what you do, I think sometimes we are. When we're communicating with people who aren't believers, we expect that they have the same values that we do. They aren't trying to live their lives by God's Word and again. So if you're going to be a peacemaker in all situations, and especially if you don't want to get so frustrated that you're kind of telling the guy off or annoying them next to you, don't just assume that they have the same way of believing that you do. Another great way to not lose a friend this political season yeah, I, I would say, uh, number four on that.
Speaker 1:This is again we. We do hope you're writing this down and, as we mentioned before, you can go to our website and uh find the blog. That kind of lists these things as well we're taking some notes for you.
Speaker 2:Where would they find that?
Speaker 1:go mad podcastcom. Shameless plug. All right, go mad podcastcom. You can find these blogs there. But number four sorry, this one is just. It's a hard and again. These are all challenging. I want to be clear. These are challenging to doug and jesse, and me personally as well, in different ways. These aren't things we're just throwing out there. These are things that we really do believe make a difference. Don't post stuff on social media that makes you sound like you hate a candidate. 1 Timothy 2,. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people, all, all people.
Speaker 2:And then it goes on the list. What about the politicians? You don't agree?
Speaker 1:well, doug, it's interesting, you ask that because it goes on to say for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases god, our savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Speaker 3:I mean, it's not as if there are some things that politicians may do or say that make us upset and angry, and maybe for good reason.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 3:And what that verse is saying is what do you do with that anger?
Speaker 2:Do you go to?
Speaker 3:social media. Are you going to take it to the one who knows the one who can change hearts? Take it to God instead. Vengeance belongs to the one who knows the one who can change hearts. Take it to God instead. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. It actually isn't ours to handle God's word is just awesome.
Speaker 2:Everything that you can think of that you come in contact with in life. There is great wisdom. You know that's interesting, Brad. It's good and pleased. Is God, our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth? There is a connection. This is what we're talking about. There is a direct connection between how you are responding to and talking about people you disagree with and whether people will listen to you about the gospel as his ambassador.
Speaker 1:Can I give a sub point? We're keeping it to five steps, so I'm just adding. I'm doing one of those things. This is like four A 14 steps with an. R5. So I don't want to be too controversial here. Don't believe everything you see on social media, wait. Or everything you see from your new source of choice brad I know you're telling me just this, just now, occasionally the interwebs lie to us, true?
Speaker 3:uh, let me get. Let me google it real quick. Can you get?
Speaker 1:back to us. Well played. I have to tell you, even before AI, it was a reality that people were sharing stuff and everything else that wasn't. You couldn't substantiate it. It wasn't true. And then, all of a sudden, ai there was a picture that went around recently of from the devastation in Asheville and in that area and then from the hurricanes and awful things took place there and just people losing things, and it was this little girl in a boat holding a puppy. It showed up on my facebook feed, shared from people repeatedly total, fabricated image, did I?
Speaker 3:know it at first. I'm gonna be honest did?
Speaker 1:I did. I know first I didn't. Joshua, my youngest son, my youngest son, 13. He's sitting next to me and I'm like, oh, joshua, did you see this? And he's like, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's ai, and he had not next to me. And I'm like, oh, joshua, did you see this? And he's like, yeah, I'm pretty sure that's AI. And he had not seen it before. And I'm just like, how do you know that? And he's like this, this, this. I'm just like, man, what is wrong with me? So the reality is is there's images and there's articles and there's things that are getting shared that you that sound like they support your view, and that sound like they support your view, and so you're really quick to share them. Before you're sharing something, a couple things. Make sure that you've shown that it's true. Secondly, make sure that it accomplishes what you want to. In being an ambassador of Christ, you nailed it.
Speaker 2:I got one more here. Fifth one this is important Don't act like your favorite politician can do what only a Messiah can. Okay, wait, say that again.
Speaker 2:Don't act like your favorite politician can do what only a Messiah can man. When we act like our candidate, you look at some of these and this is all through the years. This isn't about one person or different. All through the years. You look at these gatherings of supporters and man people. Just the look on their face, the screams. They're such adulation, almost like worshiping this person. When we act like our candidate is almost a God. The next time you try to share with someone about the real God, a friend might not listen. They go. I've already seen your judgment. You give politicians. You act like they were God and now you're telling me about this other God. God himself says I will not share my glory with another, so just keep politicians in the right place in your mind and your heart Doug, if you could just wrap us up here with you had shared with me just three ways.
Speaker 1:You felt that you had a responsibility just in these times. How to be acting in three steps. Can you just share those three with us real quick?
Speaker 2:You know, yeah, I got a lot of this from talking with our dad, so many when I was a younger man, so many questions, and I remember he said a lot of this. He said look, in times like these, you're a believer, this is what you have the responsibility to do. Number one pray for God to have his way, which, honestly, we don't always understand it A lot of times, but we trust that he will have his way. Number one. Number two we seek his guidance in how I cast my vote, all the way down the ballot, ask him. And number three pray that God will direct outcomes so that his plans will be accomplished in our families, our communities, our nation and our world and that we may play a part in hearts.
Speaker 2:Turning back to him, bottom line if you want real change in our land, get really serious about this, committing to a lifestyle of holy living, being in God's word and prayer. One thing I'm pretty sure of in most of our lives we've put our faith in the wrong person, in the wrong president, and again, presidents can't change people's hearts, and again, presidents can't change people's hearts. Maybe it would be great to kind of wrap things up with this scripture, this reminder that we all know, but it's great to be reminded. If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and get this, will forgive their sin and heal their land. Oh Lord, do we need that, lord, god, we pray that I would.
Speaker 1:My kind of closing thought would be this For those who have, you know, made it this far in the podcast just one more thing Without throwing something at the screen.
Speaker 1:One more thing that is very real right now is that young people who are becoming voting age or about to be they are increasingly impacted by the vitriol that is out there, especially around a presidential election, but even more so among the body of Christ, and I can tell you from having three children at home they see, they listen and they're listening, and what we want to instill in them is a healthy way. Voting matters. You can make a difference with your vote, but before and higher priority than that is making a difference in the lives of others, starting at home, with how you talk about people, how you talk about the candidates, how you talk about the different things. Approach things with the word of God, with your family. Don't lose them because you're wanting to win them, to vote for a certain person.
Speaker 2:That is so good. I personally am thanking you for that reminder. We're ambassadors to our families first.
Speaker 1:Well, folks, this wraps up the first episode of Season 4 of Go Mad. We have so much more coming your way this season. We can't wait to be back with you again. But until next time, and especially as you head out to vote really soon, Go Mets.