Go M.A.D.
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Go M.A.D.
Family Fight Fest: Keeping Peace Over the Holidays
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it? Holiday family gatherings can be deeply memorable or deeply stressful - probably some of both. Doug and Brad break down some practical ways to reach out to difficult family members over the holiday season, whether that person is distant, opinionated, or just plain grumpy. Doug also shares his unusual views on pilgrim rumbles.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of Go Mad with Doug and Brad. It's brand new, it is. And hey, jesse, how are you doing today? I'm doing great. How are you, brad? I'm doing well. You know, we Guys we did it. We did it. What did we do? We survived an election. Oh man, which, by the way, even if you didn't listen to our first podcast before the election it's not too late you can still find some helpful things. Just even navigating things there is. You know that some brilliant person put Thanksgiving and family gatherings also Christmas gatherings, right after elections.
Speaker 3:It was Hallmark that did that. Here's why, Everyone gets in huge fights around the election. Then you buy a card to make up with people.
Speaker 2:I like that. It's pretty brilliant.
Speaker 3:Actually Thanksgiving card, every Thanksgiving card, I'm sorry, every card A little sad. I am sorry, every card A little sad-looking kitten on the front.
Speaker 1:Well, here's the reason. That's one of the reasons we're going to tackle what we are today. We're going to be giving you some help for your family gatherings. We're just going to be talking through some things as you're gathered around the table, maybe the tree later in the season, or whatever. We want to make sure you have some good helps. Doug, we're going to be talking actually about four people today. Now I want everyone to know these are not our family members, that these are their names.
Speaker 1:These are not we hope they're not your family members. If so, don't share the episode with them, but it is-. They're representatives, exactly.
Speaker 3:They represent kinds of folks that can sometimes be part of the family gathering not actual folks, not actual folks if they're, if this is their actual names, it well, you'll see, all right. So first of all, wayward walter. We're going to talk about wayward walter today, um we're going to talk about opinionated Annie. You met her Distant Donnie, okay, all right, and disgruntled Doris, that's not how she talks.
Speaker 1:Disgruntled Doris, all right. So right there, you want to stick around because we're going to be getting to opinionated Annie, wayward Walter, distant Donnie, disgruntled Doris, and we're going to be and how you might interact with them Exactly.
Speaker 3:As a representative of Jesus.
Speaker 1:Yeah, some helpful tips, because that's what the podcast is all about. It's about making a difference, being ambassadors for Jesus wherever you're at, and this season you're going to be with family at some point, so great time to talk about being an ambassador. Just a reminder if you have listened to the podcast, you're enjoying it on whatever platform YouTube, which again, youtube. Check out the sign. You've got to go to YouTube right now. We added a sign, a GoMad sign. Oh, that's right. This thing is so cool, so check that out. But review, share this with someone. Share it right now. We have blogs that are on our website. Check out the blog from the first episode. And you can find us on the socials YouTube, instagram, facebook all that.
Speaker 3:You sound so hip when you say that. I think my kids think not the socials, but I so.
Speaker 1:All right, doug, people are coming to the Thanksgiving table Right Soon and big thing is centerpieces. I remember I mean mom would like be like. Wait, this has to be perfect, the centerpieces have to be really nice. And what do you remember from our childhood table most the?
Speaker 3:centerpiece. I don't know if you remember these guys, but I was a kid and they kind of creeped me out. They were these tiny, these small stuffed pilgrims. It was this guy and this girl and she would stand them up there. Now, as a child, in my young mind, I actually had a little narrative for who these people were. Help me not be. Are you going to laugh at me? I look like you're about to laugh at me.
Speaker 1:No, right now, I'm concerned that you're the narrative. I'm concerned you're the narrative for these six-inch little.
Speaker 3:Yeah, look, in my mind they were a young, betrothed Miles McFerrinberry, one pilgrim, and the other was Humility, constance, patience, ostandish. In my mind, pilgrims have really long names, I don't know why, but their tatters, they were so old they had like they were tattered, and everything, didn't you see?
Speaker 1:they were on the table last year still.
Speaker 3:I know, but there's like rips and spots on them and everything they were like that when we got them and to me they came from a great pilgrim rumble about whether to have those belt buckle things on their hats. Wow, Wow. And finally, the stains on the clothes were from our family Thanksgiving mishaps, like the time I spilled the gravy into the piano Times Times, and when you would throw cranberry sauce at me. So that's when. I look at those on the table, and all that comes flooding back.
Speaker 1:Is that weird? I don't, you know, should we?
Speaker 3:ask our studio audience if that's weird. We've added a studio audience. We do have a live studio audience. Let's hear from the studio audience.
Speaker 1:Let's audience. If that's weird, we've added a studio. We do have a live studio, and so let's hear from the studio audience. Let's hear good, yeah, that's right, one counts if you'd like to be in our studio audience. We're gonna need to get a bigger studio, uh. But all right, so we the, the, the centerpieces you're talking about, I I do want to say I might have some folks you could talk to afterwards about some of the those issues, uh.
Speaker 3:But can you give me?
Speaker 1:I'm willing real quick the, the female's name, again real quick. I just need to well, she was humility constance patient, so standish okay so she is not one of the ones we're going to be talking about today.
Speaker 3:Nice girl, yeah, she's not one, the nice girl who gets into pilgrim rumbles look, but I will say well, we're not talking about her.
Speaker 1:There are a couple things in her name I did not know what her name was.
Speaker 1:I don't even think about that, because one of the centerpieces and we're going to talk about this. So, if you're wondering where we're going today, we're going to talk about really, uh, some very practical ways that you can interact with these different folks that may be around the table with you, that you're hanging out with over the holidays, but one of the ones that comes to mind that can guide us through this do you guys know what a cornucopia is? I think I mentioned this to you guys. The cornucopia is that horn-shaped thing.
Speaker 2:You can just make up that word the big basket, right? Yeah, oh yeah, I used to jam Twinkies in it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I mean that's where I would hide them during the holidays. But it was a cornucopia, you know, it was supposed to be kind of the horn of plenty.
Speaker 3:That's right horn of plenty.
Speaker 1:And the reality is that what I kind of see. You see these in centerpieces all the time. What I think would be a great guide for us as we're getting to the holidays is a Holy Spirit cornucopia, if that's not too corny.
Speaker 1:That is Holy Spirit, cornucopia, that will help guide our conversations. This is talking about the fruit of the Spirit. Now I want to be clear. Even if we have the typo in our words of saying fruits, we know it's fruit of the Spirit. All right, so it's fruit of the Spirit. It's supposed to be all in one. We're supposed to have all these things that we're reflecting to our families, our friends, to the world around us. So let me get this. Yeah, cornucopia.
Speaker 3:Mm-hmm. Fruit of the spirit, because there's fruit, cornucopias, yep, and we should be emanating the fruit of the spirit. There we go. Thus the cornucopia.
Speaker 1:There we go. See, this should be something we're bringing to Completely understandable. We should be the centerpiece. No wait, that doesn't work.
Speaker 3:So did you know? Cornucopia, the word actually from a horn of plenty. It comes from a horn of plenty. The Latin word comes from horno for horn and plentyo for plenty.
Speaker 1:So, like I said, we're going to be talking about-.
Speaker 3:We wanted to bring one in. We wanted to bring one in.
Speaker 2:Doug's word study is always so enlightening Hobby Lobby.
Speaker 1:Yeah, doug is always right there with the little bit of wisdom. Drop some knowledge, I'll just be over here. So all right, holy Spirit Cornucopia, let's set the stage. Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5, 22 and 23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. And when I look at that list, I'm kind of referring to it as the family dinner playbook.
Speaker 1:The family dinner playbook that we can go to as we're in football. When we were playing football in high school, you see actually your jacket over there, my jersey here and everything. But you would have to have the game plan you would have to have. I wish the Yankees had in the World Series. That's a separate podcast, but the game plan you would have to have. I wish the Yankees had in the World Series.
Speaker 3:That's a separate podcast, but the reality is we're supposed to be joyful here.
Speaker 1:The reality is that you've got to have kind of the playbook ahead of time. What are we going to do in what situation? That's what we're trying to get to today is what? Are we the best position possible to be the hope of Jesus with your family over these next few weeks here?
Speaker 3:That's a huge point because to get this right it can be tricky with family. Everyone knows each other's hangups. They were around when you were a kid, when you were a teenager, warts and all that.
Speaker 3:But so it takes. I really do think it takes some planning, some strategizing before we get there. We'll talk about that a little bit before we're together. Brad, I think there's a reason that list starts with love, because all the others are a result of having love. Okay, so that great 2 Corinthians love chapter. You'll see lots of similarities of how God defines true love and the fruit of the Spirit. And this one of my favorites, 1 Peter 4, love covers over a multitude of sins. Start there. So when we start talking about those names a little bit later, then we'll get into how we can do that specifically.
Speaker 1:And we're. Actually we can dive into the first name real quick here, but I want to just share this quote. This friend of ours shared this with us and this is from Randy Newman, not the composer. I want to be clear. If you're like, you've got a friend in me. That's not who said this, but God places a high value on families and they are a high priority for him. If family is a high priority for God, then family is certainly a high priority for the evil one. The reality is is that we have a responsibility to try to be there, be the hands and feet, the voice of Jesus for our family, because if we aren't, it's quite possible no one else will be.
Speaker 3:So we come together for holiday celebrations. Don't be naive about it. There's a lot more going on than just turkey and trimmings. And when we get to Christmas, the gift giving there's a lot going on under the surface of how you can be taking this time. You either decide am I going to be a bridge builder or a bridge burner? And so much of what we say in those moments. Just that day we're together, those hours together. We'll decide that.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about that the bridge building. Because if we view and we're going to talk about building a bridge to opinionated Annie right now, let's dive into opinionated.
Speaker 1:Annie because the reality is that if we are wanting to build a bridge, we can view these times as building a bridge to the future, not just viewing these as isolated kind of one-offs where we're like I've got to get all my opinions out right now. We are building a bridge to being able to be a be, salt and light year round with these people that we love and people they may bring with them. So let's opinionated annie especially. The reason I thought we should start with her is again representing people, not actual someone named annie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I the if you have someone in your family named Annie, please don't refer to this podcast and said they were calling you opinionated Annie. By the way, go check it out.
Speaker 1:So opinionated, annie, especially coming off an election season. Oh man, I mean there is going to be opinions flying around about everything, and it could be positive, it could come across negative. Whatever it is there's going to be opinions about. I remember we talked once about the cranberry sauce I think actually it was on the last podcast. We mentioned cranberry sauce and the reality is there's going to be opinions about the food at the table. There's going to be opinions about political candidates. There's going to be opinions about the food at the table. There's going to be opinions about political candidates. There's going to be opinions about everything. So what are some of the things that you guys see, as someone is just kind of spewing stuff out there, they just keep. This is what I think. This is what I think. What are some of the fruit of the spirit that you think most needs to be put into play with that?
Speaker 3:person. If you're someone who gets riled up and I can be honestly, because we all have our opinion, we're believers it doesn't mean that that we don't have strong opinions about things we do. Um, but, man, the first thing that pops in my mind a gentle answer turns away. Wrath, oh, that's such a brilliant. That's why I love god's word, because there's so much practical in there. But try it, no matter what. But again, plan ahead. I know Annie is going to bring this up. I know this person is going to bring this up, this as a gentle answer to turn away. Rather, if they're, if they're going to bring up even this family member, again, I'm going to bring this up, plan ahead, know what you're going to say, but but that's what pops in my head first so you went to scripture, which is fantastic.
Speaker 1:Can I go to a christmas movie? Is that this?
Speaker 3:is going to look bad priority straight.
Speaker 1:I started with scripture brad goes to a movie, but as you're sharing about A Gentle Answer, this actually popped into my head just now. There's a movie, Fred Claus, and all of a sudden he gets into a snowball fight with his brother, who is Santa. That's right. And all of a sudden Santa hops on a snowmobile and starts coming after Fred.
Speaker 3:So it's a documentary, it is for sure.
Speaker 1:Fred says you don't bring a snowmobile to a snowball fight. Don't bring a snowmobile to a snowball fight, and sometimes it feels like that when we're at these family gatherings that we're like I have to be prepared, I'm going to one-up, whatever they are talking about. I'm going to be ready and loaded for bear. As far as countering these different opinions, I know who they voted for, so I'm going to come with my cheat sheet of why that was wrong. The reality is is that we shouldn't make these times about winning an argument.
Speaker 3:If you can win even a little part of their heart, though if you can win back a little part of their heart.
Speaker 1:So here's one practical action step I wrote down that maybe you could take. That would be good. Look for something you love, agree with or can affirm in their viewpoint. Because even if someone's opinion, it doesn't mean everything they say is going to be wrong. But sometimes we get in that mode of I have to counter everything they've said, otherwise they may think they're right about everything. Try to affirm something, try to connect with them on some points.
Speaker 3:That's just kind of one practical thing that I had written down win a heart, not the argument. Can I talk a little bit about wayward walter? Yes, he's been on my mind now people may.
Speaker 1:Who is wayward? Walter? Who wayward?
Speaker 3:walter's kind of the guy that that I think that comes to dinner and he's maybe the guy who's in in christian speak. He's living a sinful life, but he is. He's made a lot of mistakes. He's kind of the family black sheep maybe. Maybe he smells of a certain wacky tobacco when he comes to dinner, but this is the guy that the family tends to look down on. And so the question is is that going to be you or not? And so the question is is that going to be you or not? The tempting thing would be have you ever heard these, the prayers that are like supposed to be indirect messages to the person you know next to it?
Speaker 1:Thank you, lord, that you love, even the most terrible of sinners like the guys who borrow $150 and never pay it back.
Speaker 3:Walter might represent the family member that also and this can get annoying as a believer that thinks Christians are to blame for the world's bigotry or homophobia, or the Christians are anti-science All those things that become rumors about believers that especially wayward. Walter might start thinking because he's tired of being judged and so maybe he's starting to judge others.
Speaker 1:You know the phrase that comes to mind and it's a more common phrase nowadays butation bias. And that comes to mind with Wayward Walter, that he is coming to the family gatherings thinking I'm. We know how wayward Walter is, so when he shows up, we know it's going to be like this and so everything the person does around the table or wherever it may be hanging out in the house, it's confirming whatever your bias is. So try to go into this with a different approach to be able to say I know that you're not approving of the sin. Let me be clear there. You're not saying it's okay what you're doing, but you're also not taking these limited face-to-face opportunities. You have to say let me tell you what you're doing wrong and why it's wrong. More importantly, what if that person feels that there is joy, that they are there.
Speaker 1:What if, all of a sudden, the fruit of the Spirit that comes out is kindness towards them, when everyone else has kind of this attitude towards them, this kindness or even just a faithfulness, so that that person knows I'm sticking with you, no matter what happens. I know that things aren't going well or whatever else, but they don't get this feeling like they have a closed door. They have a feeling like I've got an open door with this person, so that when something comes up, I have someone I can turn to.
Speaker 3:Yeah, exactly what if you're that one person that, out of the whole family, wayward Walters starts to notice? This is the one who seems to be kind to me to have a kind word for me. We're not agreeing with Walter's lifestyle, but you sure can love him and make that clear to him. A note about this believers, especially if you've got family members that you love and you want them to know Jesus, you go. Okay, this is maybe for Wayward Walter. This is my time to lead them to the Lord. They're going to become a Christian at this gathering, which is a wonderful.
Speaker 3:You should be praying about that and for opportunities. But it can be tricky sometimes because if you start to make a family member feel like they're a target, they're like an evangelism target, and they're not even going to want to talk to you at all. Look, pray for the perfect opportunity, pray for the perfect time, pray that the Lord will give you the words. But if you start to sense that Walter or any other of your family members are starting to go, okay, here comes Doug again. I know where this conversation is going. Just be aware of that.
Speaker 2:It can be sensitive when you're talking about family evangelism at the dinner table or the Christmas tree or wherever. You know something interesting that, for both of these characters that you guys have pointed out, it may not even be what you say, but how you say it that really changes the tone of the room If Walter leaves a family gathering going well. I know that they don't approve of my lifestyle, but I felt respected and I felt loved, not even by any particular conversation we had, but because the way that you communicate, words communicates, love communicates. Like you said, brad, joy, I'm happy you're here, I'm happy that you're part of my family. I want the best for you. When that kind of motive and attitude is communicated, disagreement or no disagreement, that's not really the issue. The issue is do I feel loved by this person when I'm around them?
Speaker 3:Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. God's word says maybe your heart has grown cold and be careful, because if that's true and it is how you feel about it out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. If these folks feel a coldness from you, that's going to spill out in your words. That's where your heart is. That's what we're talking about. Prepare for it ahead of time. Pray, it'll come out in your tone, it'll come out in your words. So just be strategic and ask the Lord am I coming across that way? And so you're ready for when you meet your family that you love.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think, as we move into distant Donnie here, one thing that I would say about all of these individuals they need to feel safe. I know you may be going into a situation you don't feel safe. Sometimes we're around family and it doesn't feel safe, safe. Sometimes we're around family and it doesn't feel safe. But if someone there can feel that they are safe with you, what that means is not gossiping, not sharing what others may share with you to other people, but being a place that they feel they are safe and secure. And that's important with distant Donnie, because the reality is is we, we know this person. If you're wondering what that means and you, maybe you don't have that person in your family, but this is a person that just is their standoffish. They're not going to say much, they're not going to be very open with you. Maybe they've hurt you in the past by things they have or haven't said. They just don't feel like they're very engaged. They don't seem like they care. No, and the reality is that Donnie is distant for a reason and we need to remember that.
Speaker 1:Family comes in. Every one of us comes in with our own situation to a family gathering. Maybe the rest of the family does or doesn't know about it. The reality is is that we come in with maybe hurt, know about it. The reality is is that we come in with maybe hurt, with heartache, with guilt, in some cases with shame of maybe what's happened the last family gathering. We're just like I don't even know if I want to be in this place, and so there's a reason that there is some distance in some of these cases, and maybe you are the only person who will show them that there is someone who actually cares. I think one of the important things I've learned in my life is and I know this isn't the only reason for some being distant but, Doug, you come to our family table at Thanksgiving and it is loud, it is raucous, it is fun, it is terrifying.
Speaker 2:Whatever word you want to use.
Speaker 1:And you. We each brought a spouse into the mix and when all of a sudden they so your wife Anna, she's wired differently, she's quieter and everything. And maybe she's quieter at in those first couple of years especially because it's like this is a lot. So maybe they just need someone who understands that it's okay to be quiet, it's okay to be, as some people would say, an introvert, it's okay to not have to be the same as everyone else, and that we understand that.
Speaker 3:Maybe distant. Donnie Brad, you mentioned this that there's always, there are reasons and like, especially if it's a dad that doesn't care, doesn't seem like he cares about his wife, doesn't seem like he cares about his kids. There's always a need behind the deed, something's going on. Maybe Donnie's given up on life and doesn't seem to care. He said a lot of times folks like that have had a lot of disappointments in their life. Try to figure out what Donnie does care about and try to connect there. He might not respond. She might not respond. It may mean doing a little homework into stuff you don't particularly care about. Maybe there's one thing that he cares about a sports team, whatever it is. Even if you have to do a little homework, do that. Donnie's probably very discouraged about life turning out the way it has. Are there particular encouragements, especially specific ones, you can offer him? Is he great at his job? Because we're talking about connecting as representatives of Jesus, does he provide for his family?
Speaker 1:Start there, even if it's just one specific, meaningful compliment, that you mean, if you're looking for also one other action step and you're like man, sometimes people who are distant also can be the forgotten ones. Man, sometimes people who are distant also can be the forgotten ones, so they just kind of blend into the background or whatever. Or people just don't want to go near them because they are distant and they don't know how to interact. What if you just even offer to get them something to drink or an extra helping of whatever when you're going up for the fifth piece of pumpkin pie, you can?
Speaker 2:serve.
Speaker 1:Would you like another one as well? You can all of a sudden be the hands and feet of Jesus without it being a huge thing, and with any of these folks you can always ask hey, is there some way I can pray for you along the way? So we've got one more. After Discon Donnie, who have we got Doug? We've got Discon Doris.
Speaker 3:Ah, yes, yes, Discon, doris. So now got disgruntled, doris, ah yes, yes.
Speaker 1:So now doris is different than opinionated annie, so you may think kind of the same thing, but disgruntled doris is more the person who there is negative about everything. It is, I've got a. I got a. It's the seinfeld festivus. I'm just gonna say it is the the seinfeld festivus, if you have no idea what I'm talking about. It starts with the airing of grievances, that's right, it's a strange.
Speaker 3:It's a strange holiday that one of the character's fathers has dreamt up because he doesn't like the idea of christmas. So yeah, the airing of grievances. This is the person. What do you mean? Brown gravy? It's white gravy.
Speaker 1:I made this clear last year I got a lot of problem with you people and you're going to hear about it, that's right. What do we do, brad? Well, I think that this person especially needs to see and experience kindness, goodness, peace and joy.
Speaker 3:All of those at once.
Speaker 1:Fruit of the Spirit attack. I love it. Is that a thing? Can it be a Fruit of the Spirit food fight? Is that a thing? Can it be a fruit of the spirit food fight? Is that a thing? I don't think so.
Speaker 1:But you're including all of these things. If Donald Doris is involved, it might be, Because the reality is there's going to be negative opinions and again we circle back to coming off of an election and, let's be honest, we can't even say for sure the dust is going to have settled by Thanksgiving. No one has any idea how it all will turn out. So the reality is, people are going to come in with these problems, with these opinions, and it doesn't have to be about just politics. It could be about family members, it could be about the cost of things oh my goodness, inflation, whatever else. So this person, they need someone who's going to first of all try to pepper the conversation with natural positivity. Don't be cheesy about this. Don't be where. It's just like well, yeah, well, I heard it. You're just saying you're trying to look for where can I mention something positive? And I would also say don't feel like you have to respond to everything that is said that's so big, you could just let something fly.
Speaker 1:or you could maybe ask a question that redirects the conversation, that that all of a sudden says hey, we can change the topic to this by asking about something that, as you were saying with Distant Donnie, that maybe is important to them or maybe is a very relevant family topic. Whatever else it might be.
Speaker 3:You know, sometimes the best thing that you can possibly do is go for a walk.
Speaker 2:It might.
Speaker 3:If you feel yourself boiling up, you just might. You don't have to tell people why I can't stand you people, I'm going for a walk. No, it might. If you feel yourself boiling up, you just might. You don't have to tell people why I can't stand you people, I'm going for a walk. No, Take a deep breath.
Speaker 1:Say I need to get some fresh air Gather yourself Right, and if that person follows you out the door, well you know, just more chance to.
Speaker 3:If they're chasing you.
Speaker 1:Jesse, actually what would you say about we were talking a little bit about, because, Doug, you're really kind of talking about boundaries there, You're talking about having good boundaries, and it's okay to have those. It is. You should have them, because it's about your family, but you also have to protect you along the way too. Jesse, what would you say about boundaries to folks, as they're kind of going into whatever situation?
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, boundaries can not only be helpful for you, but it could be helpful for your family, depending on the circumstance. Being aware of yourself what's going on in my head right now, what's going on in my body, what's going on in my heart, like Doug said, if I need a minute to pray, to cool down and to get away, that's not just helping you, it's also helping everybody else. And to get away, that's not just helping you, it's also helping everybody else, also recognizing there may be a point where you go, my presence or my words are not going to get through. There's a point where I go, no matter how much I try in this situation, it's not going to contribute in a positive way. I need to step back, not only for my good, but because I think actually taking myself out of it will ultimately be helpful for my family as well Does your opinion, but does it come across if you just yell louder than everyone else?
Speaker 1:Is that does that?
Speaker 2:does that help?
Speaker 1:That's part of preparing yourself ahead of time. Okay, I was just checking because I mean, it seemed like the louder you are.
Speaker 3:Absolutely so. As we maybe start to wind down here, a couple takeaways if you don't mind, a couple thoughts I had as I was thinking about this. This week my dad's got a Ron has got a great phrase he uses and it says your situation is your assignment. This is really ambassadorship 101. That's what Go Mad with Doug and Brad is all about. Being Christ's ambassador.
Speaker 3:Remember the rest of that verse, as if God is making his appeal through us. Remember you are his representative, maybe sometimes his only one, at these gatherings. You're always there for a reason. Your situation is your assignment. God puts you there for a reason. It's not random. That reason is God's glory.
Speaker 3:Great scripture do everything without grumbling or arguing, but listen, why Listen? Why Then start there? Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life that's in Philippians 2. Put your family member's name where it says among in that verse. Then you will shine among, or after among. Then you will shine among Walter, annie, donnie, and they'll be attracted to that. They're going to want to know what makes you different. The other thing I was just going to mention real quick here is with family. It can be a unique challenge to pray for them, because they seem so resistant to change. The enemy wants you to stop praying for them, especially as far as either some—maybe they're a believer, but they really need some heart change or they're someone that doesn't know Jesus.
Speaker 3:I want to talk just real quick about my wife Anna. Remember Jesus says pray and don't give up. That widow and the judge parable. Jesus knows that sometimes we're going to get to the point where we're going to be so discouraged about what's happening in our relationships that we're going to want to give up. But he says you'll reap a harvest if you don't give up. My wife Anna prays all the time for family. She wants to know Jesus, she told me recently. Sometimes she just stops for a while and she realizes she has. She's just like it's been so long forget it. But then she said then my heart gets broken again for them and I keep it up. Anna has led several family members, including her mom, to Jesus all through what she believes is persistent prayer that pleases and honors God. For some reason that persistent prayer, according to that parable, pleases and honors God and he responds to it. Anna prayed for her mom for decades before it happened, so don't give up.
Speaker 1:Amen. That is a great reminder. It actually brings to mind just something that hopefully will help people as they enter into these situations how do we represent Jesus in a way that we get to represent him again? Oh man, say that again, please. Well, how do we represent Jesus, in this case to our families and other people that may be there, so we can represent him again? Oh, that's good, and I think that's what Anna modeled there is. She wanted to make sure she was representing Jesus in a way that maybe they didn't choose him that time, but she'd have an opportunity again.
Speaker 1:So I would just encourage people to go into things with a make a difference mindset. I want you to know that, as we have talked about this coming into this episode, we know that some of you go into a great family situation. They're loving, they're caring, and there's a lot of people that go into a very challenging family situation. We don't want you to think that we're saying this is easy. We don't want you to think that we're saying you should just stay in a situation, no matter what. That's why the boundaries are important, but it is important that we represent Jesus every opportunity we get with our families, so that they know what salt and light looks like. In 1 Peter 3.15, the second part of it says gentleness. Do everything with gentleness and respect. Try to keep that in mind. And the big thing that I would say is go in prayed up. Yeah, go in prayed up. Just go in prayed up so that you can pray and say hey Jesus, how can I make a difference around the table with my family in these weeks?
Speaker 3:ahead. That's good. I can't think of a better place to land than right there, friends, we encourage you.
Speaker 1:Share this with others you think would be encouraged by it. Check out the blog, go, leave a review, all those different things. And until next time, we are praying for you and that you will be able to go mad.
Speaker 3:Let's hear it real quick from our studio audience.
Speaker 2:Until next time.