Go M.A.D.
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Go M.A.D.
God and the Dad Bod Part 2
"There is a time for everything under the sun." That includes keeping an eye on our health, even in a holiday season full of treats! Doug and Brad dive back into one of our favorite topics from season 2 with a sequel that quite literally takes the cake. How do we honor God with our bodies? How does our health tie in to being Christ's ambassador? And why don't Doug or Brad have a Peloton? Find out as we Go M.A.D.!
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Welcome to Go Mad with Doug and Brad and Jesse. How are you guys doing today?
Speaker 2:Fantastic.
Speaker 1:Well, today, guys, we're going to be talking about God and the Dad Bod, part 2. Now, we talked about this once before, a couple of years ago, for those that don't remember.
Speaker 2:One of our biggest downloaded episodes ever.
Speaker 1:It really was. It seems like something that struck a nerve with people. Are we not the? Only ones with dad bods no there are plenty and good news, Doug and I, as we checked, we still have dad bods, so we were like you know what we probably should?
Speaker 2:take another look at this. Some of us need to lose 40 pounds to actually get down to dad bod. That's not a good place to be. We'll be defining dad bod.
Speaker 1:We've learned some things about ourselves that we think will be helpful to you. We're going to share some simple tips to help you live as healthier ambassadors for Jesus, because that's what Go Mad, that's what this podcast is all about. It's about being Jesus representatives and bringing hope.
Speaker 2:And ambassadorship and what we do with our dad bods have a lot to do with one another. Brad and I actually look, if you're tuning in to the show for how to be a great software engineer, we can't help you very much. No, we cannot. Uh, this whole dad bod thing eating right all that good stuff this is something that we're experts, and brad and I both have at one point or another a couple times in our lives, lost like 40 plus pounds actually I yeah, also experts at gaming it sadly we are.
Speaker 1:But I will say that whether you have a dad bod, are working towards a dad bod or know someone with a dad bod, you want to stick around for this episode.
Speaker 1:We promise Because we really it's going to be some practical takeaway things. Just a reminder if you are enjoying the podcast, I mean, share this with a friend, review this on Apple Podcasts. We've got blogs on our website. They're back this year, so check those out and find us on all the socials. We would love to connect with you guys more. And, hey, if you've got a topic you'd like us to cover at some point or a question you'd love to hear us answer on a podcast, please send that to us as well. We would love to hear from you.
Speaker 2:This is how you know the world is out, to get us okay with our eating habits.
Speaker 1:How's that for a segue? Wow, there we go.
Speaker 2:So during our production meeting for this subject, my phone beeps and this thing called the Taco Bell nacho fries offer rings on my phone. This is literally for $10. You can get an order of nacho fries every day for 30 days. That's exactly what I need. Wow, 30 days of dipping fried stuff into cheese.
Speaker 1:Could you please use air quotes when you say cheese.
Speaker 2:Wait, wait, wait. Brad, Would you like my fries? No, they're nacho fries. Wow, Doug did you sign up? Yeah, that's the question. That is a great follow-up tbd. No, but the holidays are a good time to be tackling what we eat right the holidays you know, into new year's, because that's why so many new?
Speaker 1:year's resolutions and having a great time to talk about it.
Speaker 2:Last year I actually heard an idea about how to not be so bad, how not to gain like the 10 or 15 pounds or whatever. So the guy said just have one Christmas cookie per day, keep it to one Christmas cookie per day. Unfortunately I misheard him. I thought he said one Christmas cookie type per day. Wow, see, that is important to clarify. I misheard him.
Speaker 1:I thought he said one Christmas cookie type per day. Wow See, that is important to clarify and I also want to clarify that the fact that Silver Dollar City, which is an amusement theme park right near us, has monster chocolate chip cookies, does that count as one, as one Christmas cookie per day?
Speaker 2:Because if so, I got in.
Speaker 2:It was it was 12 inches by 12 inches, but it was just one. You know what dudes, us, dudes, we I think you might, maybe you're listening and we go well, I don't put as much emphasis into this physical health thing. You know, maybe that's more of my white thing or whatever, but man, we should. Um, I was at a doctor visit recently. Okay, I was at a doctor visit recently. Okay, listen to this. He goes Doug, you need to make some changes. And I said well, how much do I really need to do? You know what his answer was? Well, that depends. How much do you love your family? Wow, whoa. How much do you want to be with them? And I was like, yeah, that's a good question.
Speaker 1:And then he just left the room, he dropped the mic and I was like, yeah, that's a good question and then he just left the room and then he dropped in the mic.
Speaker 2:He had a mic, he dropped the mic.
Speaker 1:He left the room. You knew you were in trouble when he brought a mic into the room. You're like what? That's right, that's right, wow. Well, and for me, part of my journey is that you mentioned Doug and I'm going to get to kind of one key that I would love people to know, actually, early on here.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I've struggled with is that losing weight and putting it back on.
Speaker 1:In fact, there were, years ago, living out on in a native community out in Arizona, I had realized I stepped on the scale one day and I was shocked, and not in one of those good ways where I was like, wow, I've lost a lot.
Speaker 1:Nope, I had gotten to a point I never thought I would get to in my weight, and so I said I'm going to try one of those I won't name it so people don't, you know, get angry or because maybe it's worked for people One of those fad diets and it's still around and so I cut a key component out of my eating for the first two weeks and it's called the induction period, and I lost 14 pounds in two weeks. Whoa, and I was like game on. And then you reintroduce some elements back into your diet like a little bit of sugar, a little bit of healthy carbs into your diet, like a little bit of sugar, a little bit of healthy carbs. The moment I did, I mean, it was just I was like I missed carbs so much and let's face it, sugar is addictive and I put the.
Speaker 1:so as soon as I tasted it again, you, I put it right back on and I've realized over the years I the more recently I did take off about 60 pounds and I've kept about 40 of that off and want to get the rest back off. But I think for me that a key was knowing that I had the wrong motivation so many times.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, we're going to get to that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's really a challenge I would make for people is making sure that, in all the things we'll talk about today, it's key to know what your motivation is, and I think that makes all the difference.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the goal has to be being healthy ambassadors for Jesus and and healthy for our families, because it's not about the ideal weight or about the ideal physique. Thank goodness for that, because it's not happening. I have, as I have told my family, I do have a six-pack. I just want to make sure it's protected. So it is there somewhere, but I don't know if I'll ever see the six-pack. But it's about living a healthy life, yeah man, that's so good.
Speaker 2:You brought up that sugar can be addictive. I looked into some of this a little bit here because I was like you know, come on. Someone said there was a study that said it's as addictive as cocaine. I went, come on, give me a break. But actually they really do release sugar and cocaine. They release the same dopamine into your brain that lets you know hey, this is a good thing. And just like any drug, the more sugar you feed yourself, then the more your body wants and the next time you need to have more. It acts just like an addiction and I think that we're kind of quick to approve of others taking that big first step of conquering addiction. It's drug, it's alcohol.
Speaker 2:Admit, you have a problem, but no one likes to think of themselves as being addicted. Check this out, All right. Actual definition of addiction as being addicted. Check this out, All right. Actual definition of addiction Having a chronic, compulsive or psychological need to do, use or indulge in something repeatedly, even if you know it causes harm.
Speaker 2:Put the Krispy Kreme down, Doug, Do I? Okay? So do you have a dad bod? Okay, let's define this for a second, If you know you have a dad bod, because this is apparently like what happens if you, once you have gotten past you know kind of your early 20s and maybe you were in better shape, but you start to have a family, Okay, and you start to have kids and it's a little harder to watch what you eat. You spend all your time. But it's interesting because supposedly and I don't know if this is true, We'll have to ask them but supposedly gals kind of like guys with the dad bod. This is very weird. Like I said, the term comes from getting some extra chunk of dunk around the midsection because you're caring for a family and you have less time to work out and such. So I'm hearing dad bod equals great family man. High five, hey High five.
Speaker 1:There we go. I couldn't. It was my best high five noise, and I do want to say right now that if you're watching us on YouTube, you may be thinking at that point Doug and brad are great family men. Then they are.
Speaker 2:I mean, they must be fantastic I, we're both wearing slimming black today. I know, look folks, we really are. Uh, look horizontal lines.
Speaker 1:We live in a world where we have video access and so if you are, and we are seeing pictures all the time, so you know, if you've seen us, that we're not sitting here today saying we are going to lead you in a workout right now, where that's not the goal of today. We're going to get into some practical steps right now of trying to live out 1 Corinthians 6.19. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. Our physical bodies are meant to be active participants in carrying out God's will. He wants us to glorify him in our actions and he wants us to be ready for whatever he has in store. So we're going to be talking about, like I said, healthy living. I think it really is taking that first step of acknowledging yes, I have a dad bod and realizing that hey—.
Speaker 1:Or worse, yeah, or worse when we're yeah, or worse I in the I. When we're 20, our bodies are like what's metabolism?
Speaker 2:do whatever you want to me. Yeah, I'll eat whatever I want 30.
Speaker 1:Oh, there it is, and we realize, there it is. Uh 40, it's the curse you metabolism.
Speaker 2:what's happening? What is happening? Why didn't anyone tell me about same thing two years ago and it didn't do this, and 50,.
Speaker 1:It's in reverse. Trust me at this point. I know your metabolism. You hear that shifting sound. You're stripping gears and throwing it into reverse Brad, you just turned 50. I know, and it happens on your 50th birthday. Actually, it's just there.
Speaker 2:So I love this. Brad and I are just going to kind of go back and forth, but hang tight here because we uh, I think we have some, some good, practical advice. No matter where you're at in your dad bod journey, listen, here's what I'm calling it. You ready how to go from a dad bod to a rad bod? What that just happened, wow, all right, I'm going to start you ready? Did you bring a mic to drop? This thing won't come out of here, Jesse's like don't drop that mic.
Speaker 2:We only have one. So here, all right, you want to get started? Let's get started. Here we go. This is my first one how to go from your dad bod to rad bod. Maybe you've gotten discouraged before because you tried it. It didn't work. So you're ready. Don't let one slip up, totally trip you up. Oh, that's good For real. Here You've got to stay committed. You go. Oh man, I ate a large fries from McDonald's. I might as well go have the Big Mac. Proverbs 24, 16,. A righteous man falls down seven times and gets up. So ask the Holy Spirit. God cares about our bodies. He lives in there, the Holy Spirit. This is his temple. So ask the Holy Spirit who's living in your body to help you stick with it.
Speaker 1:Don't let one slip up trip you up, you got one. You know, what I've actually learned is that cheat month is really helpful. It's cheat month month, right?
Speaker 1:I think it's cheap day, cheap day oh, sorry, that's that could be part of the problem, but here it's true, you don't. You get back up again. For me, uh, one of the big things for me was making achievable so small food goals. Good, one of the the things that I did that really helped out was I download this app, myfitnesspal, and I have my Fitbit watch on. I do not get any sort of monetary compensation for mentioning that, but I have my smartwatch on and I download the MyFitnessPal app and I started charting what I was eating and all of a sudden, I realized that if I was going to have a donut in a day because I like donuts, I do and if I was going to have one, it meant that I had to make other sacrifices as the day went on. It meant that I had to balance all my eating as a whole, not just a one-off choice you had to jog from New Jersey and back.
Speaker 2:I did.
Speaker 1:I really did that's what those about those?
Speaker 1:abs is you're like how much do I have to do? But it showed me. When I saw in front of me what I was putting into my body sugar, wise, calorically it became like is that really worth it? Is that really worth it? And sometimes the answer was yes and sometimes it became a no. So it helped me achieve some simple goals. So set a goal. Whatever your biggest area of struggle is with what you're eating is make a goal to trim back on that. Maybe you have that once a week instead of three times a week, or whatever it is. Start small.
Speaker 2:Start. Small man, Are you able to get like the Peloton app or whatever on your watch there?
Speaker 1:I don't know about the Peloton app, but it scares me. I've seen the commercials, and all they're doing is go faster. Did you know?
Speaker 2:Peloton in Latin Peloton it's a Latin word for to ride a bike while someone screams at you. Really, Wow, I never knew. I'm just assuming.
Speaker 1:I never knew. I think you're right. I love Doug's word studies.
Speaker 2:They're so enlightening, they're so helpful.
Speaker 1:Are those on Blue Letter Bible.
Speaker 2:Let's see if you can find that in there somewhere. So I got one. I got another one here. Now I'm not going to say exercise, no dub, not no dub, not just exercise. You know that phrase. Kill two birds with one stone. Yeah, I'm going with kill two donuts with one sneaker. That's a t-shirt right there, thank you, that is.
Speaker 1:How do I do that?
Speaker 2:Well, it's funny, you should ask Jesse. So check this out, exercise maybe with your wife or a son, a daughter.
Speaker 1:You get the cardio and the caring. Wow, wow, doug is full of things today. I'll tell you what. I'll Bible it up, but I like these. These are good.
Speaker 2:I'll Bible it up, ecclesiastes 4.10. If one falls down, the other can help him up, and if you've ever seen me exercise, you'll know how much this first means to me help me up dear, and we know that I don't have time thing, but you know what you make time for what's important, right?
Speaker 1:and it's true for me, with my family, like I said, as a whole. And maybe you're sitting there and if you're not married or your kids aren't at home, still so, get with some friends, do something. That is community. I think that's what we're looking for here is community involvement Accountability too right.
Speaker 1:It definitely gives that and it helps make it more fun. And also, people have different ideas of how to exercise, as we call it. But just to be more active, I would say to be more active. So they may say, hey, let's throw the ball around, they may say let's go for a walk, they may say, do something else, and you get to have a little more variety in what you're doing as well. So I like that community vibe of things. That's good. And third John, here's another verse to encourage you. Third john uh, you look at, uh, well, chapter one, uh, verse two it's all I know you never know how to read those on there.
Speaker 1:It's like all right, beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health. So this when we're talking about healthy lifestyles, and this is where I'm getting to. My next encouragement to people is that John is writing and throughout the Word of God we are encouraged. You're sharing verses. I am as far as the things that God wants us to care about with our bodies. So when we look at a healthy lifestyle, one way is to really step away from the electronics. Oh man.
Speaker 2:There is no way around that, it's huge.
Speaker 1:It's huge. I. This is something that's a struggle for me. It uh, this is a personal and the things we're sharing today are personal things for us. These are not. We read these in a self-help book and we're passing them along to you. These are things we know are tripper uppers in our own life. So you get home after a long day and I know my kids are, hey. If I'm like, hey, let's throw on a fun movie or something, then I can be like, no, dad, we don't want to sit and watch something.
Speaker 2:Electronics no dad.
Speaker 1:Or let's do you know if it's some gaming or something like that. Your phones oh my goodness, all of a sudden we get pulled into these things that not only pull us away from our families, they pull us away from living a healthy life and everything in moderation. We get it. We're not saying don't sit and watch something. We're not saying don't use your phone. We're saying be healthy with that and that will help you also have a healthy lifestyle and help to have a positive impact on the dad bod going to a rad bod. I had to say it too. I had to.
Speaker 2:Besides these being things that have tripped us up, honestly, a lot of these again. Brad and I have been back and forth and we can tell you these work if you stick with them. I love that. Try trading. Maybe trading your TV time for maybe some Bible time or something you know. See if that. Let the Bible lead your body. How's that? I?
Speaker 1:like that, but for real.
Speaker 2:Memorize some scripture that when you get tempted to put the wrong stuff in your body, that whole scripture. You were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body. Memorize scripture like that. Listen to this, this one. Not to get super serious here, but this is 2 Peter 2.19.
Speaker 2:People are slaves to whatever has mastered them. I don't want to be a slave to this stuff. And again, we're talking everything in moderation. We're not talking about having a six-pack here, but we're just talking about, hey, I would like to be able to have time, some fun time, with my kids. I get home from work and I'm too tired and I just don't have any energy. Especially the older you get, you're going to find that the more this happens, you want to give your best to your wife, you want to give your best to your kids, and it gets really hard when the energy is all gone. Don't just throw your hands up and go. Well, I guess that's just the way it is that I get older.
Speaker 2:Take the first step, get yourself in a little better shape. Get this, brad I was reading that. One of the best. This, brad how about? I was reading that? One of the best things you can do. This one's easy, I don't have a fancy way of saying this rest. So God designed us to rest, not just work. And so check this out. I looked into this a little bit and this scientist, this big scientific study, said when we're stressed, our bodies release this thing called cortisol and that signals our mind to consume more sugar and carbs. So you get stressed out, your mind says eat more sugar and carbs. And, according to the same study, the less rest you get, the more you have food cravings. So just a simple idea get another hour of sleep, maybe spend a little more time with your family, whatever relaxes you. Take a walk in nature around the block, whatever will give you some rest.
Speaker 1:I've got a little concern now because it's every time I go into the studio with Jesse he starts chowing down on bread and sugar. Am I stressing?
Speaker 2:you out, jesse. He starts chowing down on bread and sugar. I don't, am I stressing you out, you, jesse? Your cortisol is showing. Yeah Well, I don't. I wouldn't say I don't know if I have a dad bod. It's probably more of a father figure. Oh, who's the one with the bad pun now?
Speaker 1:That's good. That's good. And, jesse, you've got work to do on it to get to a dad bod. No-transcript. I get terrified with the side effects on those commercials.
Speaker 2:I just do.
Speaker 1:And my kids laugh every time.
Speaker 2:And the worse they are, the faster they say them.
Speaker 1:Death and depression are always in the mix, and I'm like you may die if you take this. So that's a. That's a simple one. But one thing that really was on my heart, too, I share, is I want to acknowledge the reality that some people in life whether you male, female, that you have struggled with your health sometimes, that you've had a lot of life events that have hit you really hard. You have been hurt by people. You have been hurt in some really bad ways. We won't get into those in this episode, but we want to acknowledge that we know some people have been hurt and it has been hard for you to see yourself, even in a way of saying why would I care about this? Why would I care about living in a healthy way?
Speaker 1:And I want to encourage you to remember that, no matter what anyone else has told you, no matter what has happened to you, you are God's masterpiece, that we all have been created in advance for good works that God prepared for us to do. And it says in Ephesians 2.10, we are his masterpiece. And in John 15.15, let these words speak to your heart right now. Jesus says I have called you friends, jesus, when you have that relationship with him when you have said Jesus, I want to follow you, please come into my life. I want this relationship with you. He says I am calling you my friend, so just know that you have someone that sees you as his masterpiece, no matter how you look, you are God's masterpiece, but he wants you to have a healthy life where you can experience his best for you. So I just want to encourage you with that, because I know people. There are people who've been through a lot, but God is still there for you and still wants to help you live in a healthy way.
Speaker 2:Man that's good. That's good, this whole ambassadorship thing and our bodies and what we do. We remember that our kids are always watching us, and whatever habits you're developing because that's what it is, it's about habits they may very well develop they're always watching. They are wanting to do what they see you do not so much what you say. Brad, I wanted to get back to this. Keep your mind on your motivation. You brought up motivation. That's so important In the actor's studio. Actors they go. What's my motivation? Good question, though. Listen to this. I asked my 12-year-old son, sam, who is a big exerciser. He is so committed to it.
Speaker 2:It's amazing Jump, rope and running, and even what he eats. I asked him this morning you know what, son? Why do you stick to this? Why do you care about being healthy? You know what? Without missing a beat, he said dad, I want to honor God with my body. Wow, 12 years old, wow, and that's a scripture that we've memorized together. But a little side note memorize scripture with your kids because it gets in their heart. I was like whoa, straight from scripture.
Speaker 2:Motivation is vital because, man, if it's vanity, if it's just because I want to look better, it won't last. But if it is rooted in your love for Jesus, in love for your family, there's a better chance it'll stick. And ambassadorship is a great motivator. Do I want to reach my neighbor? What means I'm going to spend time with them? Conversations, have time for them. You don't have the energy, it's not going to happen. You want to spend quality time with your kids? You know what? I'll do it tomorrow. I'm too tired and too many tomorrows, of course, become never and we joke about it. But, man, our, our dad, bod, or or whatever our bod affects our families. We want to spend time together. We want to give them our best. The big mac is saying no. Say no to the big mac every now and then.
Speaker 1:I can tell you personally that, uh, to make these changes again, i'm'm less than I was as far as the weight goes, and healthier than I was still treadmill, still go for walks and everything. I have a long way to go, but I can tell you that it has helped me feel healthier. It has given me more energy. It has helped with back problems. I've had for years Focus, and they are not nearly what they used to be Focus, all those things. So I hope that this has been an encouragement to you today. As we said, our goal today, when we talked about what we wanted people to walk away from this with it was hope and a realization that maybe things can be different, and so we pray that has been the case for you today.
Speaker 1:Don't give up, yeah, and let us know if you have thoughts on this episode. If you have questions for us, again send those to us, because we'd love to hear from you. We hope that you guys have a great stretch ahead as we enter into all the holiday festivities and everything else. We are praying for you guys. We pray it's a great time and that you can take some initial steps to helping the dad bod become a rad bod. So until next time, from Doug, Brad and Jesse, go MAD.